Ginger professional translation software reviews
Ginger professional translation software reviews

With the free English Personal Trainer, users can grasp new concepts without the help of an expensive class or college course - all that is required is a computer or mobile device and an internet connection. Michael said his favorite aspect of Ginger is its personalized and accessible approach to language learning. It can also be used to enhance everyday written communications, help improve English skills, and even boost smartphone productivity. The advanced analytics engine has multiple use cases, not least of which is as a safety net for professional writers.

ginger professional translation software reviews

Ginger empowers writers to edit text as they type, which saves time and helps prevent future errors. That’s what allows his company’s all-in-one grammar application to recognize words in the context of complete sentences.

ginger professional translation software reviews

Michael Libman, Head of Marketing at Ginger, told us the solution to this problem lies in machine learning. The result - “My aid holiday wood bee in nude Zeeland, were I can go hacking” - is hardly an improvement. Now, choose the first suggested alternative for each error. Simply open Microsoft Word, and type this egregiously misspelled sentence into a document: “My aidl holiday wod bee in nue zeelend, were I can go hickin.” Most word processors, including Google Docs and Microsoft Word, fail in this regard - and you can test this theory for yourself. When it comes to spelling and grammar technology, it’s all about context.

ginger professional translation software reviews

Now, with its new business-based platform, the Ginger team aims to help entire organizations improve their communication skills and remove language barriers quickly and easily. The affordable multiplatform tool empowers writers to enrich their vocabulary, avoid embarrassing typos, and correct spelling mistakes with just a few clicks. TL DR: Ginger is an all-in-one grammar application powered by an advanced analytics engine and patented Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology.

Ginger professional translation software reviews